
SodaStream Gaia: Features, ratings, prices and more

SodaStream Gaia.jpg

Product features

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Highlighted features:

Carbonation capacity (per cylinder):60 L
The carbonation capacity per cylinder
Water bottle capacity:1 L
The capacity of the water bottle
Warranty period:24 M
Product warranty



Product brand



Product model


Color options

Existing color options

Various colors to choose from


Product dimensions

5.4" x 8.7" x 16.9"


CO2 cylinder compatibility

The type of CO2 cylinders it supports


Carbonation capacity (per cylinder)

The carbonation capacity per cylinder

1 L60 L80 L

The minimum value and the maximum value represent the ranges in which the product value can fluctuate in this field, the product value is located in the center of the bar.

Adjustable carbonation levels

Whether the carbonation levels are adjustable or not


Water bottle capacity

The capacity of the water bottle

0.5 L1 L3 L

The minimum value and the maximum value represent the ranges in which the product value can fluctuate in this field, the product value is located in the center of the bar.

Operation mode

If it is manual, semi-manual or electric


Power source

Whether it is rechargeable or not


Additional features


Type of screen or interface

No screen, has buttons on the top

Included accessories

The accessories included with this product

Warranty period

Product warranty

1 M24 M36 M

The minimum value and the maximum value represent the ranges in which the product value can fluctuate in this field, the product value is located in the center of the bar.

User reviews

Featured Comment by AI

The SodaStream Gaia Sparkling Water Maker a basic manual sparkling water machine designed to turn plain water into refreshing sparkling water in seconds. This gas-powered appliance uses a patented Quick Connect system for simple and intuitive CO₂ cylinder installation, allowing you to adjust the level of fizz to your liking. The kit includes a 60‑L CO₂ cylinder and a 1‑L reusable, dishwasher‑safe PET carbonating bottle. With its sleek plastic design and cordless, manual operation (no electricity required), the Gaia offers an eco‑friendly solution that helps reduce disposable bottle waste.

This text is generated by AI, comments from real users were taken into account to generate it


SodaStream Gaia

SodaStream. https://sodastream.com.au/products/gaia [Internet]. 2025

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